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Current Event Essay

Students are required write a current event essay in which they analyze an article and relate it to course topics. Students will need to find an article (Economist, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, etc.) and write a three-page essay (Times New Roman, double-spaced, 12 point font, and one-inch margins) relating the article to topics discussed in the course. The article must be cited in the essay. NOTE regarding format: Times New Roman is specific to Microsoft Word. If you are using a different word processing system, please select a similar font. If you do not access to Word, Works, Pages, Notes, or any other word processing system, you may directly type into the submission box. Students will be graded on their ability to follow directions and articulate how course topics relate to their article of choice. Late essays will not be accepted. The essay is worth 50 points. Students can anticipate feedback and score within 7 days of due date.

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