In this Discussion, we ask you to apply the concepts of the “Enemy Construction and the Press” to your reading of An Enemy of the People. Each of the options below asks you to think about how a given character deploys some of the “enemy construction” strategies discussed in the essay by Jones and Sun.
Task: Write a 400 word essay in which you answer ONE of the prompts below:
1. Analyze how Hovstad engages in “enemy construction” by describing the backers of the Baths (including the mayor) as ” self-opinionated old fossils” inAct II of An Enemy of the People.
Your essay should include a provable thesis that explains which of the elements of “enemy construction” discussed by Jones and Sun the play adopts in its depiction of Hovstad’s motivation. (one quote from article + 2 quotes from play for an A; 1 quote from article +1 quote from play for a B; 1 quote from play for a C).
2. Analyze how Peter Stockmann (the mayor) engages in “enemy construction” in Act III of An Enemy of the People though his critique of Dr. Stockmann’s article to the editor of the People’s Messenger (Hovstad) and the printer (Aslaken), who then replace it with his.
Your essay should include a provable thesis that explains which of the elements of “enemy construction” discussed by Jones and Sun the play adopts in its depiction of Peter Stockmann’s motivation for asking the editors to substitute his article for that of his brother. (one quote from article + 2 quotes from play for an A; 1 quote from article +1 quote from play for a B; 1 quote from play for a C.)
***390-410 words. Strict about word limits