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Organizational Analysis using the Business Model Canvas – the 9 building blocks

1. Choose an organization of YOUR choice and analyze it’s 9 building blocks from the Book Business Model Generation (page.22) in Business Canvas Model and tie it together with a general . Do not use the following companies: Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple, Southwest Airlines, Ritz Carlton, Zappos, Disney-Pixar Studios, T&T, Nike, Microsoft. 2. Your paper will explain how your company uses the nine building blocks: Fill in the Business Model Canvas for your company. You must fill in each of the nine building blocks and have a diagram of your canvas (you can show detailed examples of each block on the side of the canvas (similar to using stickies). (find the diagram in upload files) You need to explain each building block in your own words and give 2 to 3 examples/elements for each block that your company uses. Make sure the blocks are under headings so there is no confusion. Link the Scaling Up business principles with the business canvas model analysis, and you must show where everything fits on the canvas. 3. Your paper must be 7 pages: You need 3 references, introduction approximately 1/2 page (it may be longer), conclusion approximately 1/2 page (it may be longer), and approximately 6 pages to give details for each of the building blocks – this is the core of your paper (core of your paper should be approximately 1200 words).

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Organizational Analysis using the Business Model Canvas – the 9 building blocks
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