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making financial and investment decisions

Primary Response:  respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: How would a 25-year-old’s recommended retirement account asset allocation differ from a 60-year-old’s when it comes to a mix of stocks and bonds? Assignment Objectives Demonstrate knowledge of various investment types such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and annuities. Identify the time value of money in making financial decisions. Expectation Points Possible Points Earned Comments Application of Learning Material Content: Post demonstrates understanding of Learning Material content. 20 Application of Course Knowledge: Post contributes unique perspectives or insights gleaned from personal experience or examples from discipline. 20 DB Responses: Responds substantively to two posts. Responses encourage interaction in the Discussion Board and classroom community. 20 Organization: Post presents information logically and is clearly relevant to discussion topic. 8 Professional Language: Posts contain accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors. (APA formatting is not required.) 7 Total Points 75 Total Points Earned View a downloadable version of the Discussion Board Grading Rubric. Reference Vanguard. (2017, November 7). Investor questionnaire—Introduction. Retrieved from https://personal.vanguard.com/us/FundsInvQuestionnaire

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