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The 787 Dreamliner development and production stages

For this assignment, considering the 10 Operations Management decisions, research and identify an issue that was caused by a failure of production/operations management. Use trade publications, published research, and the Internet to determine your issue. Submit your topic to your instructor along with the suggested title of your paper and a short overview of what you intend to research. All rights are reserved. The material contained herein is the copyright property of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32114. No part of this material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written consent of the University. College of Business | worldwide.erau.edu MGMT 420 Research Paper Requirements Research Paper Purpose Your paper will be a review of issues that were caused by a failure in the production/operations management process. You will compare and contrast the current research findings with the principles and concepts presented in your Heizer, et al. textbook. Topic Selection Find a production/operations management failure in an aviation or aerospace firm. Your search may be conducted online, in trade publications or through published research. Appropriate References Use references published within the past six years. Do not use Wikipedia. Because of its open nature, and the intrusion of trolls and others with private agendas who have posted false and misleading data on the site, it is considered neither reliable nor valid. If a valid primary source is listed as a link on the Wiki site, go to the primary source for the information needed. Term Paper Format Requirements • The paper should follow the APA rules for manuscripts closely. • The paper should have one-inch margins on all sides. • All narrative in the paper should be left justified. • The paper should use Times Roman font, 12-point size. • The first line of each paragraph should be indented one-half inch. • Everything in the paper should be double spaced only. No extra lines or space should be added between paragraphs or sections of the paper. • Each page of the paper should show the running header at top left and the page number at the top right. All rights are reserved. The material contained herein is the copyright property of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32114. No part of this material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written consent of the University. College of Business | worldwide.erau.edu Term Paper Components In this component… Provide or state Title Page • Title of report • Assignment name or number • Author’s name • University name • Course number • Date Abstract • Topic of the paper • Background on the issue • Value or importance of the issue Introduction Paragraph • Heading • Topic of the research • Why the topic is important • How the paper is organized to address the topic Narrative Body • At least 10 pages, double spaced pages • Logical sections with headings • Literature review using 10 total sources (at least 5 peer-reviewed) Conclusion • Limit findings and conclusions to what can be supported by the facts and data presented • Avoid expanding the conclusions beyond what the data will support • Suggest ways for the firm to overcome the issues discussed Reference page • 10 valid reference sources in alphabetical order (at least 5 peer-reviewed journal articles) • Citation for every statement of fact included in the paper • Only sources cited within the narrative of the paper Appendix Page If needed Other Tips Follow these tips in the body of the paper. • DO NOT quote from the articles reviewed unless the wording is unique or very special. More than three quotes in the paper would be too many! • DO NOT copy anything from any source unless you indicate the wording as being quoted and include an accurate reference citation for the source. • Include a reference citation to support all statements of fact presented in the paper. • Avoid using the pronouns: you, your, we, our, or us in the paper. Readers may not wish to be so closely involved in the topic. • Do NOT expand on the findings or draw conclusions that are not directly supported by the research findings discovered in the review of the articles presented.

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The 787 Dreamliner development and production stages
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