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Neuroscience and Architecture

Submit a final research paper of at least 10 pages , which will encourage your ability to critically engage architecture within broader culture. In preparation for this paper, a paragraph length proposal with a bibliography will be due 29 Oct. Task: Choose any aspect of material covered in the course and develop it into a research paper about digital theory or related theoretical issues. The research can include analog or digital experimentation. It is important that the research paper should display an understanding of the theoretical debates covered in the course. Ideally the research paper should refer to the publications handed out, and should include an extensive bibliography. It is not sufficient to draw all your material from online sources. NOTE:I had already done a proposal paragraph with my bibliography and my professor made some comments on what to work on. Ill be attaching that and sending the comments from him. Neuroscience has experienced significant scientific and technological advancement in recent decades. The mentioned occurrence has led to neuroscience impacting other fields of research like social sciences and philosophy. However, the advancement in neuroscience has started impacting areas of architectural design and planning. The Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture in 2003 introduced the concept of neuro-architecture. The purpose of neuro-architecture is to analyze behavior response to a construction environment via neuroscience. ((((Nearly all architectural designs developed around the world are created based on the human brain. Hence, there is a need to investigate how the human brain conceives these architectural designs)))). It would allow architectural stakeholders to identify how and which neuro-factors lead to the development of effective architectural designs and planning. The brains’ modality- independent handling of sensory data contributes to sensory intensification that, in turn, impacts architectural designs. However, there are challenges toward positively exploiting this correlation. Perception and appreciation of architectural designs and planning by the brain occur through sensory modalities, and this is the first area that needs to be discussed when people view their built environment, they are affected by different sensory modalities like texture, shapes, smoothness, and others. The brain can differentiate the varying sensory to create an experience for each unique individual. Through this experience, the individual expresses their sensory intensification into their architectural designs and planning. Other tactile sensory have been identified to impact the sensory intensification of peoples senses such as a place being warm, calm, and others impact people’s emotions and, consequently, on their architectural designs and planning. However, architects have relied mostly on visual and touch models and sketches to express their designs. ((((There is a need to include these tactile sensors to improve architectures; ability to express the ideas and emotions behind their designs)))). It is evident that neuroscience has a significant impact on designs, and it essential to find the correlation between the brain’s sensory modality process and architectural designs. After analyzing the brain’s correlation to architectural designs and planning based on its independent processing of different sensory data, there is a need to assess how it impacts architectural designs and planning. While designing a structure, architectures must capture the clients or their needs extensively. By effectively understanding the role of neuroscience towards architectural designs and planning, it increases the ability to deliver the desired end product. Also, developing measures on effectively communicating one’s tactile and visual sensory data allows architectural designs and planning to be accurate. ((((Architectural stakeholders need to develop frameworks that include varying tactile and visual sensory inputs that increase productivity and performance))))).Another critical issue to discuss is the difficulties facing architectures and other stakeholders towards positive exploitation of the above-identified correlation. The study of neuroscience and architectural designs and planning is recent, and a significant research gap exists. Many knowledge gaps exist in the correlation between neuroscience and architectural designs and planning. Hence, organizations and individuals find it difficult to include recommendations from neuro-architecture into their frameworks. Also, the fields of neuroscience and architecture are significantly different, making cross- investigations difficult. Scholars should increase their investigations into neuro- architecture and provide a standardized framework to solve the indifference issue. COMMENTS  ((((1st comment)))): This is a good point. I imagine studying the effects of spaces on human behavior and the senses is another area of interest for neuroscientist and architects. How does a curving affect a person versus and flat surface? ((((2nd comment)))): Can virtual reality aid architects in creating better spaces that evoke good emotions in people? If physical models can not meet this new demand, can digital models bridge the gap? ((((3rd comment)))): Will future building be equipped with sensory instruments to measure levels of comfort? Will be buildings become digital? BIBLIOGRAPHY USED  Coburn, Alex, Oshin Vartanian, and Anjan Chatterjee. "Buildings, beauty, and the brain: A neuroscience of architectural experience." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 29.9 (2017): 1521-1531. de Paiva, Andréa. "Neuroscience for architecture: how building design can influence behaviors and performance." Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 12 (2018): 132-138. Karakas, Tulay, and Dilek Yildiz. "Exploring the influence of the built environment on human experience through a neuroscience approach: A systematic review." Frontiers of Architectural Research 9.1 (2020): 236-247. Karakas, Tulay, and Dilek Yildiz. "Exploring the influence of the built environment on human experience through a neuroscience approach: A systematic review." Frontiers of Architectural Research, vol. 9, no. 1, 2020, pp. 236-247. Karandinou, Anastasia, and Louise Turner. "Architecture and neuroscience; what can the EEG recording of brain activity reveal about a walk through everyday spaces?." International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 32.sup1 (2017): S54-S65. McIntosh, Andrea Rose, and Nafisa M. Jadavji. "Application of neuroscience principles for evidence-based design in architectural education." Journal of Young Investigators 33.4 (2017). Papale, Paolo, et al. "When Neuroscience ‘Touches’ Architecture: From Hapticity to a Supramodal Functioning of the Human Brain." Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 7, 2016, www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00866/full#F1. Accessed 22 Oct. 2020. Winer, and Keim. "Design on the brain: Combining neuroscience and architecture." International WELL Building Institute, International WELL Building Institute, 9 Oct. 2018, resources.wellcertified.com/articles/design-on- the-brain-combining-neuroscience-and-architecture/. Accessed 22 Oct. 2020.

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