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Welch’s case review

Q1. How difficult a challenge did Welch face in 1981? How effectively did he take charge? How?                                                                    (15 marks)
Q2. Entering the 1990’s how has Welch’s view of his long-term objectives for GE Changed? (15 marks)                                               (10 marks)
Q-3. By the early 1990’s, most conglomerates and unrelated diversified companies were being broken up. How did GE escape? Are Welch and his team adding value to GE’s highly diversified portfolio?        (15 marks)
Q-4. As we follow Welch’s continuing initiatives- Six Sigma, A players, e-business- what patterns do you see in his approach to implementing change over his 20-year tenure?                                                           (10 marks

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