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online assessment presentation: Read My Compliments to the Chef,in the text.( Picture attached file) .

online assessment presentation: Read My Compliments to the Chef, ER, Buyer on pg. 200 in the text.( Picture attached file doc uploaded later) .

Prepare a 4 – 6 slide presentation about the case.

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online assessment presentation: Read My Compliments to the Chef,in the text.( Picture attached file) .
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Feel free to incorporate/compare and contrast ideas from your final topic( Queuing system optimization about the Pandemic Covid 19 Emergency issue and Optimization Model) with operation principles in this case of Chef.

Include the answer to questions 4 & 5 and the Analysis of one peer reviewed scholarly article to support your argument.

Question 5-6 articles:

Hemmington, N., & King, C. (2000). Key dimensions of outsourcing hotel food and beverage services. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(4), 256-261. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09596110010330831

See-Kwong, G., Soo-Ryue, N., Shiun-Yi, W., & Lily, C. (2017). OUTSOURCING TO ONLINE FOOD DELIVERY SERVICES: PERSPECTIVE OF F&B BUSINESS OWNERS. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 22(2), 1-13. https://search.proquest.com/docview/1949083093?accountid=35796

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