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SMART GOALS and PPT for Case Study

This is very important case study for Accounting Class, so Please make sure you have professional knowledge for Accounting (you must know knowledge about how to write Smart Goals).

1. Please write one and half page about the smart goals for the client (not write definition, only analysis for case study), and write some proposals on how client can save some more money . PS: we choose to sell their boat to manage their financial problem, please write it into the smart goals.

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SMART GOALS and PPT for Case Study
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2. make a PPT. Please read all files which I uploaded below, first file is the case study and others are what we did for analysis for this case study, please completing the PPT with all the data we provided.(you may need to put chart and data into the PPT, make as many slides as you can)

3. make one speech sheet for smart goals part.

Please be professional to do this case study, let me know if you have any questions.

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Solution Preview

Specific A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. Be clear about what you are trying to do.
Measurable Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set.
Attainable When you identify goals that are important to you, you develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and the financial capacity to reach them.

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