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Physical Security: alarms, video technology and biometrics

Need Help in Physical Security Course Discussion,Chapters 10, 11 and 12 of book covers alarms, video technology and biometrics. discussion is to write an initial post on which one of these you will be to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of biometrics?

Please make sure you have an initial post (about 200 words) and after discussion we need to comment/post to one of your friends’ posts.

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Physical Security: alarms, video technology and biometrics
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Required Resources

Textbook(s) Required:

Fennelly, Lawrence, J. Effective Physical Security, 4th Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier,

2012 ISBN 978-0-12-415892-4

Recommended Materials/Resources

Please use the following author’s names, book/article titles, Web sites, and/or keywords to search for

supplementary information to augment your learning in this subject.

1,Official (ISC)2 CISSP Training Seminar Handbook. International Information Systems Security

Consortium, 2014.

2,Harris, Shon. All in One CISSP Exam Guide, Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2013.

3, Rhodes-Ousley, Mark. The Complete Reference to Information Security, Second Edition. McGrawHill,


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