Find a scholarly journal article (NOT just information posted on a website!) that relates to the effects of cocaine use on the family/family system. Your article should be no more than 5 years old. Glance at your peer’s posts so that you do not duplicate articles. There is a wealth of information to draw from, so you do not need to repeat. Remember the LibGuide in the Resources folder for assistance!
SUGGESTION: post your article title and author in the Subject of a post early in the week as a placeholder so that you will not duplicate articles (duplicate articles/posts will not receive credit); edit the post when you have read the article. Note: your “placeholder” does not meet the Thursday deadline requirement.
Post a 8-10 sentence summary of what you learn from the article (i.e., main points), include the citation and a link to the article so that we all may read it. Attach the article to your post so that others may review and discuss in their peer posts. Note: do not simply look at the abstract and post some words that you see included there. Read the entire article and provide a solid summary/synthesis of the information in your post. Do not quote material from the article. I expect a well-developed, scholarly post for both your initial posting and your responses to peers.