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Examples of leaders (by Machiavelli and Stephen Skowronek). Essay

What are the key traits of a successful modern political leader? Illustrate your point with at least three examples of leaders and adequate arguments, using the material assigned for this class. Pay special attentions to the arguments raised by Machiavelli and Stephen Skowronek.

Title page:

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Examples of leaders (by Machiavelli and Stephen Skowronek). Essay
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The title page should meet the criteria set up in the “IRES Essay Writing Standards” 2.1, p. 3 as well as in Appendix A. on p. 7

Structure of the essay:

The essay should be not longer than 3500-4000 words.

The structure of the essay should meet the criteria set up in the “IRES Essay Writing Standards” (Appendix B).

Failure to include paragraphs will lower your grade.

Papers with no references will be rejected. Fore referencing see 2.4, p. 4 of the “IRES Essay Writing Standards.”

And one more sagnificant thing is this essay should be written by harvard reference style !


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