Think about some problem in your local community or current/future profession, propose a feasible solution to this problem, and justify your solution with supporting reasons and evidence. To brainstorm ideas, think about what seems to be a pressing problem in your local community or field of work, what has been done or suggested so far to address it, how you plan on resolving this problem, and why your solution is the most effective one available.
Your argument should include the following components:
• Description of the problem and its presence: Persuade your intended audience that this is a genuine problem in your local community or current/future occupation that needs solving; give it presence, and explain why it is a serious problem that needs to be resolved. Make sure not to tackle the problem broadly, at the national scale.
• Discussion of the alternative solutions and their drawbacks: Discuss 2-3 alternative solutions that have been previously used or suggested by others and explain (with evidence) their drawbacks.
• Description of the best solution (a proposal for action) that will help alleviate the problem: Show your target audience that your solution is logical and feasible, and provide details as to how it will be executed.
You should avoid proposing multiple solutions. However, your solution can involve multiple steps or parts if they are closely related, can be addressed by the same decision-maker(s) and can be fully justified in the space of the project.
• Justification of the solution: Give 2-3 convincing reasons why your target audience should accept your proposal and act on it (what reasons would they be more likely to accept?) and explain (with evidence) why your solution is the most effective one available for your local community or current/future occupation
• Rebuttal of the concerns and objections: Address the most important/common 2-3 counter-arguments that your intended audience may bring up to challenge the importance of the problem, effectiveness and execution of your solution, and/or your supporting reasons and evidence; provide rebuttal with support.
Topic Selection and Prohibited Topics: The following topics are prohibited, as they either a) are too generic or common, b) are debated at a national or international rather than a community level, and/or c) are much too general in scope:
Gun control, abortion, legalization of marijuana, euthanasia, death penalty, global warming, vaccinations, steroids, drinking and driving, body image and the media.
Rhetorical Considerations for the Project:
• Audience: As proposals aim to bring about change, your audience should be decision-maker(s) in your local community or current/future profession, who has/have the finances or authority to implement your solution and make that change happen.
Remember, your justifying reasons, supporting evidence, rebuttal, tone/style, and the form of your proposal should be tailored for this specific audience.
• Genre: For this project, rather than an academic essay, pick another genre that might be more suitable for your rhetorical purpose and the specific audience you are targeting. Consider what will be the most effective way to present your proposal to this audience.
Suggested genres: You can compose your argument in the form of a detailed letter/memo, industry publication/magazine article, or newspaper article/editorial. Think about your audience and their expectations to determine which form of text would be the most appropriate to use.
Research and Documentation:
• Secondary Research: You must use a minimum of 5 credible sources, at least 3 of them scholarly sources such as academic journals and peer-reviewed studies. Searching the ASU library databases will yield the best information. You may need to use Google for some sources, but do not rely on this for all of your research.
• Primary Research: Additionally, one of your sources should come from field research – either an interview or survey that you conduct with someone in your local community or future profession, or information you gather at a public meeting. See the Project 2 Primary and Secondary Research assignment sheet for more information about this requirement.
Incorporating Sources: When you cite the sources you have considered, be sure to attribute them properly and balance them with commentary so that their relevance is apparent and that readers can distinguish between your own ideas and the sources you have summarized, paraphrased, or direct quoted. Use APA documentation for citing ideas and quotations in the body of your text and for creating a References at the end. Be sure to refer to the Incorporating Sources & Citation content area for video explanations and examples.
Note that what is important is how you incorporate your sources effectively to support your ideas and cite them in the body of your text and on the References page according to a citation guide – APA for this course. Beyond that, how you overall format your entire document, for example letter, memo, or newspaper article, according to APA style is less important, hence not required.
Length: 1000-1500 words of typed text (excluding the References list) submitted as a Word document in a doc or docx file format.