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Guilty of malpractice, criminal negligence, false credentials, failure to treat or patient abandonment.

Find a newspaper or scholarly article where a health care organization or a provider was found guilty of malpractice, criminal negligence, false credentials, failure to treat or patient abandonment. Provide specific details of the case. Discuss with your colleagues: 1. Which critical health care error does the article address? 2. Explain the setting and details using your own words. 3. Drawing from your readings and experience to date, what do you assess are factors leading up to the error? Touch on duties and standard of care. Peers are expected to demonstrate critical thinking in their questions related to the classmates’ descriptions. See Discussion Expectations and Grading for rules on discussions.

Assigned reading materials:

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Guilty of malpractice, criminal negligence, false credentials, failure to treat or patient abandonment.
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Credentialing and Privileges-http://ctel.org/expertise/credentialing-and-privileging/
Summary of Credentialing and Privileges- http://www.hcca-info.org/Portals/0/PDFs/Resources/Conference_Handouts/Compliance_Institute/2013/Tuesday/600/607print1.pdf
A Short Overview of Medical Malpractice http://malpractice.laws.com/medical-malpractice-law/medical-malpractice-overview
Medical negligence: Criminal prosecution of medical professionals, importance of medical evidence: Some guidelines for medical practitioners- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2779964/
As usual in text citation and references

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