Assignment #3 – read chapter 7 , discussion – Wilderness, Ecology and Ethics , pages 149-151. Provide a written response to the questions on page 151 .Must be two pages in apa format
REQUIRED TEXT and ISBN: Text – Environmental Ethics (5th edition) By Joseph R. Desjardins [ISBN 978-1-
1. Review the attached documents related to the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education.
2.Please note in the trail map the various ecosystems at the Schuylkill Center (forests, ponds, wetlands and meadows).
3. In the restoration program document please note [1] efforts to create a preserve that supports the highest level of plan and animal diversity “native” to Southeasten Pennsylvania and [2] that previous farmland use disturbed the soil and eliminated much of the seed source for “native successional meadows”, edges and woods. The disturbance allowed invasive, non-native vegetation to thrive as the old farmland.
4. In the meadow restoration document, please note efforts to improve the habitat value native grassland/meadow.
5. In the easement document, please note how the easements protect the majority of the property from future development while preventing the continuation of educational, recreational and agricultural activities.
6. Chapter 7 of the textbook, page 173 identifies that – Ecocentric approaches to environmental ethics develop from the conviction that ecology must play a primary role in our understanding and valuing of nature. The primary shift of the ecocentric approach involves an emphasis on ecological wholes and moves away from individual plants and animals.
7. In what ways does the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education demonstrate ecocentric approaches ? Do you agree with the Schuylkill Center efforts to create a preserve that supports the highest level of plan and animal diversity “native” to Southeasten Pennsylvania ? Explain.
The Schuylkill Center – overview-1.pdfPreview the document
The Schuylkill Center -history-1.pdfPreview the document
The Schuylkill Center – restoration program.pdfPreview the document
The Schuylkill Center – – – meadow restoration.pdfPreview the document
The Schuylkill Center – -conservation easements.pdfPreview the document
Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education – Schuylkill Center Trail Map – Page 1 – Created with the document