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Excel graph business (Integrity) discussion

With the business you created in the previous discussion, tell us how you could use Excel and the new functions, graphs, and features covered in this Unit at your company. Additionally, tell how important or unimportant the integrity of your data in Excel would be for your company to grow.

Saint Leo’s core value of integrity is described as follows: “The commitment of Saint Leo University to excellence demands that its members live its mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff, and students pledge to be honest, just, and consistent in word and deed.”

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Excel graph business (Integrity) discussion
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Previous Discussion:

I always like helping others and in my community, I noticed my of the young children struggle with getting assistance from their homework. Many parents in the community did not complete school or with the shift in common core, parents have a different time helping their children with homework. Therefore, I would start a non-profit tutoring company which would allow me to use grants to provide education assistance at a low rate in my community. In addition, to keep track of my students and also to feedback to families, I would use Excel to create a database with my student’s info and store test grade and assessment results in my database. In addition, I would use pivot tables and filters to run the necessary reports that I need without purchasing expensive software. Finally, I would also include excel in math lessons where students can use excel for algebraic problems, statistics problems, and mathematical modelings within excel. This will allow students to explore mathematics in excel without the need for expensive software.

Therefore, my tutoring company would provide hopes to many families and surrounding communities because they will be able to access the support their students need to be successful. It allows students to develop a sense of belonging because they have the ability to improve their academic competence and will have a high probability with success in applying for college/university and scholarships. Finally, this will lead to more socially responsible citizens that will challenge the newer generation to earn their education and pursue a rewarding career that can contribute to the development of the community.

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