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Soap Note about Gallbladder stones

Soap note about gallbladder, included a real case, an example how to do the Soap note, please use always APA style, more than 3 references minimum 5 years ago.

this patient uses 3 types of medications: (be creative and search in google dosage, administration PO, frequency, example: Metformin 500 mg once a day with meals for Diabetes mellitus type 2.

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Soap Note about Gallbladder stones
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Cardiology – Other Antihypertensives

Endocrinology – Oral glucose lowering agents

Miscellaneous – Not covered elsewhere

This patient has a schedule for surgery of gallbladder, but had a history of gallbladder problems, in the history you can search signs and symptoms of gallbladder stones such as:

Pain areas: in the back or upper-right abdomen

Pain types: can be severe

Gastrointestinal: indigestion, nausea, or vomiting

Abdominal: cramping from gallstones or discomfort


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