Watch the video from start to end “Small Office Networking to Connect, Share, and Print” with Grarrick Chow.
Click Here for the Video
The entire video series is approximately 2hrs 20 minutes in length.
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Save your “Certificate of Completion” for uploading in Lesson 3 area.
Read the Article, “Getting Faster Home Wi-Fi.” This article will help you to complete Module 3 assignment. This article will help you to complete Module 3 assignment.
Click Here for the Article
This week you will visit a Best Buy store or a similar computer supply store to compare and price check three different types of routers that would best fit the needs of the each of the following:
A home network of a family of 5 with 10 computers/devices that will be connected to the network.
A small coffee shop that seats up to 20 customers at a time. The network will need to have capabilities of having two registers, the main office computer and up to 50 guest computers/devices connected all at one time.
Use the article, “Getting Faster Wi-Fi” to help you.
Upload your work as a Word Document to Moodle.