1. Discuss two issues and two trends that are currently affecting the marketing communication industry.
For example, you may want to cover points such as: what are they about? What is their impact on the marketing industry? What could future developments be? Is there an opportunity or a threat? Is there anything that surprised you or interested you?
2. Outline the marketing communication industry and networks by category (2-3 categories). For example, by agency component, phases, services, or network.
3. Consider an organization that you are familiar with and research it further. Address the following: Provide a brief description of your organization of choice Describe the organization environment Describe the client operating environment Describe the structure of the organization Describe the type of business of the organization Describe the marketing plan of the organization
4. List current digital communication technologies, platforms, and devices.
5. Outline 2 principles and practices of marketing communications and media strategies.