What physiological movements would be affected if a patient contracted a virus that disabled all muscles in the anterior crural compartment, stating which muscles would be affected? 2 What physiological movements would be affected if a patient contracted a virus that disabled all muscles in the lateral crural compartment, stating which muscles would be affected? 3 What physiological movements would be affected if a patient contracted a virus that disabled all muscles in the superficial posterior crural compartment, stating which muscles would be affected? 4 What physiological movements would be affected if a patient contracted a virus that disabled all muscles in the deep posterior crural compartment, stating which muscles would be affected? 5. A 20 year old man visits his GP with right foot drop. He celebrated a football match yesterday by drinking a large volume of alcohol and spent the night sleeping on a sofa. He noticed the problem on waking. Ankle dorsiflexion and eversion are absent but ankle inversion is present but weaker than on the left. What structure is most likely to have been damaged? Why is he still able to invert his right ankle? 6. A 25 year old man sustains an inversion injury to his left ankle and foot whilst playing football. An oblique X-ray of his left foot is shown below and the position of the fracture is indicated with an arrow. Which bone has been fractured? 7 A man fell through a glass door and lacerated the palmar aspect of his wrist severing all tendons within and above the Carpal Tunnel. State which muscles will be affected by this injury giving their action over all affected joints. 8. A cricketer was hit on the posterior shoulder by a fast moving cricket ball sustaining damage to the right Axillary nerve. Which muscles will be affected by a lesion to the Axillary nerve and what movements will be affected by an Axillary nerve lesion? 9. Following a blow to the lateral aspect of the elbow a patient has a complete palsy of the Posterior Interosseous nerve. State which muscles will be affected by this injury giving their action over all affected joints. 10 A carpenter traps his hand in a door and fractures his Hook of Hamate which damages the Ulna nerve. State which muscles will be affected by this injury giving their action over all affected joints.