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Socio-cultural environment of an organization

Case study: The socio-cultural environment consists of how consumers, households and communities behave and their beliefs. For instance, changes in attitude towards health, or a greater number of pensioners in a population. The socio-cultural environment will be language, aesthetics, education, religion, attitudes, values, social groups & organizations, and business custom practices. I have chosen Volkswagen company as one of my worst company and need some ideas in answering these situations.
1-Can someone help me Identify Domestic and Global Environments (countries) that are in opposing cultural clusters? I have chosen Germany and U.S as my two countries and need to fit the clusters between the two.
2- Can I have some ideas about the socio-cultural parts of Germany and U.S as related to business For Volkswagen Company.
3-I also need some differences and similarities for the various socio-cultural aspects of VW Germany and VW U.S
4- How is these factors affects both companies.
Include some reference in order to read and have more ideas.

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Socio-cultural environment of an organization
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