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1. Why is needs assessment information critical to the development and delivery of an effective HRD program?

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2. Why are behavorial objectives and lesson plans important to effective HRD interventions? What role should objectives play in the design, implementation, and evaluation of HRD programs? How can objectives be of values to trainees?


All discussion board assignments must include an original post in response to the discussion question and at least one post in response to another student’s original post. All posts must be substantial, significant and thoughtful (not just “I agree”!) and you must include at least 2 (2) citations and appropriate references from relevant academically sound sources and only one reference of the two can be the text book. Citations and references must adhere to the latest APA format. Academically appropriate sources are peer reviewed journals, text books, conference proceedings, dissertations etc. They are NOT Forbes.com, Business Week, Wikipedia etc.

REMEMBER, this is a five point assignment and will be graded as such. Make sure that you provide appropriate detail and academic support for your arguments on discussion assignments as they represent. The book is Human Resource Development Talent Development by Werner 7th ed


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