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Main focus is the agenda 🙂 I also uploaded you an example 🙂

(check the word document ) I leave you also an example “lesson plan example from spring 18”

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Lesson Planning Guidelines and Template

Please use this template to assist you in planning your lesson planning. You can modify it as necessary, but the basic components are important to include.


Create overall learning goals/objectives for your online module prototype:

Overall learning goals are what you want students to learn/understand/know and know how to do once they complete your module.

Your overall learning goals/objectives should also make connections to the overall learning objectives of the course, e.g., democratic education and critical pedagogy, and previous readings/activities/class topics from weeks 1 – 7.

Create an agenda and activities for the module

Your agenda is the roadmap for your online team-teach session. Specifically, how will students engage your module from beginning to end? What online activities will you ask students to do? How much time will you allocate to those activities? What purposes do they serve to your overall learning goals/objectives?

Each activity needs to also have a learning objective/goal

For each activity make sure that its learning objective(s) explicitly connect to/with some key aspect of your topic focus, i.e., critical theory, the purposes of education & the American dream, or critical pedagogy.

All activities should be in alignment with democratic education and critical pedagogy.



Overall Learning Goals of Module:

Core ideas to understand:

Central questions to address:

Connection to other parts/topics of the course:

Online tools to be used:

Online Activity 1:

The title of activity:

The specific learning objective of activity:

Activity’s connection to readings and module’s overall learning goals:

Activity process description:

The amount of time allocated for activity.

Will the activity be synchronous or asynchronous, or do some of both?

Will the activity be broken up to occur over a period of days, or a week? For example, will students need to read or watch something beforehand? Will they need to meet with a partner to do pair work in preparation for a live session on a different day?

What do students need to do in this activity?

Online Activity 2:

The title of activity:

The specific learning objective of activity:

Activities connection to readings and module’s overall learning goals:

Activity process description:

The amount of time allocated for activity.

Will the activity be synchronous or asynchronous, or do some of both?

Will the activity be broken up to occur over a period of days, or a week? For example, will students need to read or watch something beforehand? Will they need to meet with a partner to do pair work in preparation for a live session on a different day?

What do students need to do in this activity?

do not forget that the main focus is the agenda that is the part that I need to do thanks!

this is an example

Create an agenda and activities for the module

  • Your agenda is the roadmap for your online team-teach session. Specifically, how will students engage your module from beginning to end? What online activities will you ask students to do? How much time will you allocate to those activities? What purposes do they serve to your overall learning goals/objectives?
  • Each activity needs to also have a learning objective/goal
    • For each activity make sure that its learning objective(s) explicitly connect to/with some key aspect of your topic focus, i.e., critical theory, the purposes of education & the American dream, or critical pedagogy.
  • All activities should be in alignment with democratic education and critical pedagogy.





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