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Discussion and Replies-Health and Wellness

When we approach discussions about wellness, we each come to conclusions with our own perspectives that have been shaped by our experiences. As we begin our first discussion, take a moment to consider what has influenced your ideas of wellness and compare those ideas with what you read in this module’s readings. Then, address the following:

In your own words, define the term wellness and discuss how it is used or impacts your daily life. How does your definition compare and contrast with those that were presented in the readings?
What is the influence of wellness on your chosen field of study or future profession? How can you use your understanding of wellness in your professional career?
In response to your peers, provide feedback about their definition of wellness. Compare and contrast your answers and consider the following:

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Discussion and Replies-Health and Wellness
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What are the similarities and differences between your peer’s response and yours?
How do the two definitions of wellness help to illustrate how wellness and society are intertwined? How can a perspective through the four lenses help to provide a greater understanding of wellness?
Make sure you support your response with the readings from this module and any additional resources, as needed.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

Peer 1

Hello all,

My name is Travell Wright most people just call me “T” ( easier for people to pronounce) I am currently pursuing my degree in Sports Management. I live in Columbus, Ohio but im not an Ohio State Fan. I know right whats wrong with me, I am a Spartan Fan. I work in recreation and fitness for the City of Dublin. When it think of wellness I normally thing of being healthy. I normally group them together Health and Wellness which is what my Job promotes everyday. so to me my definition of wellness is trying to be a better version of your self each day. I believe that my idea of wellness is very similar to the ones in the article. The article just brakes it down into mind and body. The profession that i work in and also want to further prusure is very influential on the Wellness because we are in the health and wellness field right now at my current job we ask each other the question everyday; ” what did you do to make your self better today”?

Peer 2

Hello all! My name is Kassey and I am from South Carolina and I have 3 beautiful children. I have 2 girls (12 and 9) and 1 son (6) who mean the world to me. My major is Business Health and Administration. My son who is medically fragile and has autism has been my inspiration on my major to better help hospitals and family relations. We have not pets yet but an axolotl will be joining our family soon (my 12 year old).

Wellness to me is how one is as a whole not just physically good but emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. Feeling good physically is great but if you are constantly stressed it brings down your whole body. Sure diet and exercise plays a big part in that as well, I have a friend (as most of us probably do) that suffers from anxiety and depression and she swears that since she has started working out regularly she has fewer “down days” then before, which is awesome. I know I thoroughly enjoy my morning walks and I feel better for the rest of the day.

Working as a healthcare administrator it would be my goal to develop and implement polices and procedures not only for the staff but for patients and families alike to have better overall health and wellness. Looking at the body as more than just one part but several and helping them fit together perfectly would be an ideal situation for everyone.


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