Your organization is a minor league (1-A level) franchise which employs about 25 full-time staff with 15 part-time workers and 4-5 interns during the season. As the CEO of the club, could you address the type of employee benefits that you may offer to serve your employees and make your club more attractive in recruiting talents??
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When employees have financial concerns, oftentimes, their productivity and morale will decrease. Since employee service providers are responsible for helping employees balance their work and personal lives, offering and supporting appropriate benefits may ease employees’ worries and troubles. If employers want to move employees beyond superficial acceptance of benefit changes, they need to focus on organization’s change process and support employee decision making (Hart & Arian, 2007). Employers believe there are strategic advantages for the organization to offer employee benefits programs. These programs will boost employee retention and satisfaction, help the organization remain competitive, and help meet employee’s needs, which strongly support the strategic value. Traditionally, benefits are within the province of employer’s control. Companies like IKEA, Reebok, Goldman Sachs, Facebook, and Scripps Health are well recognized for their generous benefits offered to the employees (Dishman, 2016; Glassdoor, 2017). Evidently, employees’ role in the active management of their benefits continue to grow in today’s workplace. Many employers admit that they are struggling at managing benefit costs. They are afraid of recent program changes not only cost-management, but also the impact of change on organizational culture and employee behavior. Managing and offering effective benefit communications and support are essential because these practices enhance employees’ perception about how much the company cares about their well-being. The research has shown employee benefits (when needs are met) strengthen employees’ commitment to do a good job for the organization and increase their trust in senior leadership (Hart & Arian, 2007).