What is the international business environment, who are the major players, and what forces are behind its growth? In order to understand global business, work through the activities. You will then be prepared to engage in case studies and activities to explore deeper.
Investigate the international business environment.
Read ebook Chapter 1.
Reflect on:
What impact has Apple had?
What is international business?
Who are the stakeholders in international business?
What are the world’s largest companies in the international environment?
Global inequity
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Locate at least three companies that would be considered International. Research where they do business, what business they engage in, and the impact they have on underdeveloped, developing, and developed nations.
When going international, companies today often research new locations as potential markets as well as potential sites for operations.What specific benefits can companies gain from the globalization of markets and production? Explain.
Opponents of globalization say that it has many negative consequences for jobs and wages, income inequality, culture, sovereignty, and the environment.What are some positive outcomes of globalization for each of these topics?