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Vaccinating Children Rebuttals and Refutations

Rebuttals and Refutations

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Vaccinating Children Rebuttals and Refutations
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Part 1: Research & Review

Review this week’s lesson and reading. Find an academic source to back up your opposition’s point of view. This is a new source, in addition to the source you located last week.

Part 2: Application

Anticipating readers’ objections is one way to determine what other sections to include and support in your paper. Practice writing a counterargument that applies the Toulmin model. Incorporate one of the new sources you have gathered to present your opposition’s point.
Strive for at least 5 developed sentences.
Cite your source in APA format.

1. Grounds / 1st Counterargument (your opposition’s point)

2. Backing (establish credibility of the source)

3. Warrant (evidence)

4. Possible concession / conclusion

Answer the following prompts:

How were you able to remain objective while presenting the opponent’s point of view ?
What challenges did you face obtaining evidence to back up the assertion?
Which conciliatory approach did you apply and why?
How was it effective?

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Here, we have an opportunity to compare research notes with our fellow peers. As peers, reply to one another explaining whether or not your classmates are presenting the opposition objectively and provide potential refutations pointers. Give one another ideas or suggestions for points that may be left out or might need to be further developed.

Note: If you see that someone has already received feedback from two peers, please choose to help a peer who has yet to obtain feedback.

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