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Paid versus unpaid internship

Read the articles on the issue of paid versus unpaid internships and post comments on the following:

1. What are the pros and cons of paid versus unpaid internships?

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Paid versus unpaid internship
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2. Should it make a difference whether the internship is with a for-profit business firm or a nonprofit organization or government organization?

3. What is your personal opinion on paid versus unpaid internships?

Most Michigan state agencies hire unpaid interns. How does that affect struggling students?” Lansing State Journal, July 11, 2019. https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/201…
Sanburn, Josh, “The beginning of the end of unpaid internships?” May 2, 2012. http://business.time.com/2012/05/02/the-beginning-…
Parcells, Nathan, “Nonprofits: It’s time to “Lean Into” paid internships,” NPQ, October 22, 2013. http://www.nonprofitquarterly.org/management/23108…
Cook, Dan, “The interns are fighting back,” benefitspro, October 29, 2013. http://www.benefitspro.com/2013/10/29/the-interns-…
Parcells, Nathan, “The benefits of paying interns,” HR.BLR.com, October 28, 2013. http://hr.blr.com/HR-news/Staffing-Training/Employ…
Hinkes-Jones, Llewellyn, “The end of interns,” The Awl, October 24, 2013. http://www.theawl.com/2013/10/the-end-of-interns
Williams, Alex, “For Interns, All Work and No Payoff,” The New York Times, February 14, 2014. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/16/fashion/millenni…


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