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Criminal Justice

1. Explain the practical hardships that victims and witnesses face when participating in the criminal justice process? Describe three types of programs/initiatives designed to aid victims in coping with the criminal justice process.

2. Discuss the characteristics of the typical felony defendant. How do these characteristics differ from those of the typical courtroom work group member? What might be the consequences of these different characteristics between the defendant and work group members?

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Criminal Justice
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3. In what ways is the prior relationship a victim has with his/her offender important to the court process? Further, in Payne v. Tennessee (1991), the United States Supreme Court overruled stare decisis and allowed certain evidence to come in at the sentencing stage. Explain why the Court overruled precedent and the type of evidence now allowed at the sentencing state. Do researchers generally find that this type of evidence makes a difference?

-Word count must be at least 1,250 words for total assignment.

-Must be in APA style including in-text citation (author’s last name, year) and references.

-Must include at least 3 scholarly sources 1 being the textbook.

-Textbook: Neubauer, D. W., & Fradella, H. F. (2014). America’s courts and the criminal justice system (11th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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