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Federal Laws Discussion

1. Please identify and cite one US federal statute that regulates online gaming on the internet, and also summarize (in not less than 100 words) what that statute accomplishes (please also post the hyperlink to the statute).

2. Please identify and cite one US state statute that regulates pornography on the internet and summarize (in not less than 100 words) what that statute accomplishes (please also post the hyperlink to the statute).

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Federal Laws Discussion
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3. Please identify and cite one US federal court case that influences the online trafficking of human slavery, and also briefly summarize (in not less than 100 words) what that court case accomplishes (please also post the hyperlink to the case summary).

4. Please identify and cite one US state court case that influences the online trafficking of illegal weapons, and also briefly summarize (in not less than 100 words) what that court case accomplishes (please also post the hyperlink to the case summary).


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