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How does Ivan fit the definition of a Tragic Hero

How does Ivan fit the definition of a tragic hero?

Use the definition of tragic hero from this week’s video. How does Ivan fit the definition of a tragic hero? How does Tolstoy change our expectations of the tragic hero? Is this story a modern tragedy?


  • Posts should be 300–500 words each
  • Back up your arguments with evidence from the readings. Be sure to use quote, summary, or paraphrase at least once per post
  • Respond to the discussion prompt and demonstrate higher order thinking (apply, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, examine, pose, or connect to course concepts)
  • Follow MLA formatting and documentation guidelines when referring to course readings and other materials. Any Internet sources you quote, paraphrase, or summarize must be cited
  • Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation

this is the linkhttp://www.classicallibrary.org/tolstoy/ivan/index…

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How does Ivan fit the definition of a Tragic Hero
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