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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.

For today, only complete the highlighted parts

*I attached all the parts in a word document as well.


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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.
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Thesis and Annotated Bibliography

For this assignment, you will submit your thesis and annotated bibliography for your Course Project on the assigned novel for your Module 03 written assignment. Please use an APA formatted template with a Rasmussen College cover. See the Course Guide for assistance if you are unfamiliar with the Rasmussen College APA template.


The Thesis statement should be on page 2 of the document. A thesis statement will guide the paper, so be sure to write a thesis that states what areas you will be covering in the paper. For example, if you are going to discuss one or more themes of the novel, then those themes should be in the thesis statement. Perhaps you will be covering two or more elements of fiction (from your literary terms). Then those terms should be an integral part of the thesis.

Note: In the final version of your paper, the thesis statement is the last sentence of your introductory paragraph. However, for this week, you will only turn in the thesis statement and your annotated bibliography.

Annotated Bibliography:

Along with the thesis, you will submit the annotated bibliography that references and summarizes your research.

Include at least five sources, with three from the Rasmussen online library.

Each annotation should be four to five sentences in length.

Each annotation should include facts, details, and a summary of the article.

Your last statement in the annotation should be written in first person and state why you chose the resource.

The annotated bibliography should begin on page 3 of this assignment. The Annotated Bibliography should be done in Noodlebib (again see our library resources tab). Please avoid .com sites, personal websites/blogs, and Wikipedia. If you use outside resources, make sure they are credible resources with .edu or .org or .gov, rather than .com.

PART 2 DUE ON July 27TH – Outline and Revised Thesis

This project assignment is not a graded Drop Box assignment. This project deliverable will be submitted as part of your initial discussion post for the week.

This week, you will submit your outline and revised thesis statement for peer review in the discussion forum. The outline is only the plan of what you will be writing and is not your final product. Think of it as your road map on your way to the finished paper. It will be your guide as you write the final course project paper. Please review the Project Introduction Overview in Module 01, as well as resources in the Course Guide for writing an outline and crafting a revised thesis statement.


You should already be aware that your final paper will be a 6-8 page literary analysis of the novel “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” by Mark Haddon. Your outline should contain the following items:

An introduction with a well-developed thesis, strongly supported with evidence.

Clear ideas about how you intend to address the concepts covered in this course. Literary concepts to be examined in your paper include, but are not limited to, narrative structure, point of view, character development, theme, and significance of the novel’s subject matter (i.e., autism).

A conclusion for reporting a summary of your findings and how your ideas support your thesis

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