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Nietzsche’s questions

Please read the questions carefully and answer them clearly and completely. The answer should not be that long, but they should be clear.

1- All action requires what, according to Nietzsche? Why is that?

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2- Describe the three ways in which history belongs to the living man. Include a brief description with an example, and then an advantage and disadvantage of each

3- Explain what Nietzsche means:

“In the end modern man drags an immense amount of indigestible knowledge stones around with him which on occasion rattle around in his belly, as the fairy tale has it. . . . Knowledge, taken in excess without hunger, even contrary to need, no longer acts as a transforming motive impelling to action and remains hidden in a certain chaotic inner world which that modern man, with a curious pride, calls his unique “inwardness” . . . ” (p. 24)

4- How does Nietzsche view the goal of humanity? Please explain your answer!

5- Explain Nietzsche’s claim: “The education of German youth, however, proceeds precisely from thsi false and unfruitful concept of culture; its aim, quite purely and loftily conceived, is not all the liberally education man but the scholar, the scientific man, . . . its result, viewed in a mean empirical way, si the historico-aesthetic cultural Philistine, the precocious newly wise chatter box on matters of state, church, and art, . . .” (p. 59).

6- What does Nietzche mean by “inborn greyheadedness” (p. 44)? Please explain your answer!



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