Students will conduct an internet search for health care law resources for the health professional. Each Student will submit seven resources (including a web address) and a brief description of each resource’s relevance to health law. Evaluation is based upon selection and diversity, as well of relevancy to health care law. Page guideline: 2 pages.
I did this Assignment but my Prof responded this note for me.
Please read His responded then AVOID MY MISTAKE.
These websites are great resources in understanding the impact of a single law on society. However, all of the links derived from the same single resource – Further, none of the sites provide a general overview of legal topics, akin to an encyclopedia. An encyclopedia-like website (e.g. is likely to be a good resource for a health administrator in practice, as it will provide tools for evaluating legal issues that arise day-to-day. The websites focused more on the issues of public policy and did not evaluate the legal concepts or legal issues in depth. Nonetheless, the websites addressed a wide range of topics.
Also, please use different websites.