There are many costs associated with running higher education institutions. Most often, colleges have many more wants than they can afford to fund. Such costs include faculty and administration salary and benefits, physical plant maintenance, association and accreditation memberships, compliance, legal matters, etc.
Develop an outline to serve as justification for an annual budget. Imagine you will present this budgetary outline to the governing board for approval. Consider all aspects of the institution (some of which are listed above in the weekly introduction) as you prepare the professional outline. Be sure to relate the choices made to the mission of the institution, and the vision it projects.
Length: 4 pages, not including the title and reference pages
References: Support your work with a minimum of five scholarly resources referenced on a separate page at the end of your budget outline.
Couldn’t download the two references reading, but I did attach the title and author. Maybe it’s online somewhere or maybe you can use it as a reference if you find something online.
The other two are readings from instructor regarding this week assignment.
Correctly site sources throughout paper