Each discussion post must respond to all the prompts and be at least a few paragraphs (minimum 250 words). Responses should be at least 50 words minimum. All discussion posts and responses must be written in essay form. Remember to put titles of works of art in italics. Don’t forget to proofread for correct spelling and grammar before posting. Always refer to the title and author of the article in your posts and responses. Just answer the 2 questions, use the link, and follow instructions!
Read the material about Louise Bourgeois and Constantine Brancusi in chapter 7 of your text as well as the following information provided about Louise Bourgeois:
https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/global-culture/identity-body/identity-body-united- states/a/louise-bourgeois-cumul-i (Links to an external site.)
and read http://www.cheimread.com/artists/louise-bourgeois (Links to an external site.)
and read this article: https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-constantin-brancusi-brazenly-redefined-sculpture (Links to an external site.)