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Short fiction 2 open response questions

1.Analyze the Prologue and Chapter 1 of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man as an independent narrative. How do character, style, tone, symbol, and/or motif work together in the text to develop the theme of identity? Write a one-paragraph response that includes a thesis statement and at least one supporting assertion that is supported with textual detail.

2. Evaluate the literary merit of the Metamorphosis by Frank Kafka and how he faced challenges related to class, race, or gender. Your response should be 1–2 well-developed paragraphs, each with a clear topic sentence and supporting details. Your response must include a clear definition of literary merit that addresses at least two criteria. Your response must address all components of your definition and provide supporting details from the text or the context.

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Short fiction 2 open response questions
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Remember for the invisible man paragraph you only need to read the prologue and chapter 1


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