In order to answer this question:
- While working with the map, you can see migration flows, both coming and going, by clicking on states. What patterns can you observe? Where are the people either coming from, or going to, with respect to this place?
- Identify two or three news articles from the past five years that explain the implications of these migration patterns on your country. What type(s) of migration is most relevant to your country? Why? What sorts of impacts does it appear to have?
Ground your answers in some concrete, cited, facts and figures, and recent reputable news articles that you might be able to use in your country essay. Make sure to use language we developed to talk about different kinds of migration (internal vs. external, forced vs. voluntary, push/pull factors, etc.).
Note: the map may not work (well) in Internet Explorer; if you find that, use Chrome, Firefox or Safari instead (probably a good general suggestion anyway).
5.0 Question 1 answer is complete. Arrivals and departures are described properly
3.0 There is a statement about current migration flows for a selected country.
this is for the paper work.