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Planning and strategic management

Each answer must be a minimum of 200 words with a reference. Please seperate each answer with it’s reference individually but they can all be on the same document. I can provide you with access to the book that the material is drawn from however other references may be used.

5.5 How does the planning/control cycle help keep a manager’s plans headed in the right direction?

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Planning and strategic management
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6.1 What is strategic positioning, and what are the three principles that underlie it?

6.2 What’s the five-step recipe for the strategic management process?

6.5 How can three techniques—Porter’s four competitive strategies, diversification and synergy, and the BCG matrix—help me formulate strategy?

  1. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.
  2. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.
Christinew766    Spanky12345

Ok go to university of Phoenix student login

I just sent you the log in for the school site. Go to Week 2 then learning activities it will show you chapter 5 you can click on and chapter


Good evening so I am reviewing the assignment and I see that you didn’t answer #1 and 2 under the 6.5 question you did however answer the other 4 questions. These 2 still remain. Can you please write the 200 words required for each and provide the reference.

6.5 How can three techniques—Porter’s four competitive strategies, diversification and synergy, and the BCG matrix—help me formulate strategy?

  1. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.
  2. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.
 management  university of phoenix  Discussion Questions bookmark MGMT531

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