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A Brief Study of the Health System in Brazil

Complete a brief study of the health system of a country outside of North America with sources cited appropriately in APA style. You may not simply copy and paste from Wikipedia, Lonely Planet etc. The country briefing should address:

History, culture, society, politics, education

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A Brief Study of the Health System in Brazil
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  1. Overview of the nation’s history and recent events
  2. Music, food, and other aspects of its culture
  3. Recent changes in country’s culture
  4. Ethnic groups, languages
  5. How social factors may affect health issues

Economy and Business Climate

  1. Macroeconomic, human development, and other broad indicators
  2. Demography
  3. Geography
  4. Trade, assets, and regional and global economic role and relations
  5. Regulatory environment
  6. Region of the country if applicable

Health Status of the Population

  1. Health indicators, prevalence of diseases, other measures
  2. Health systems: overview
  3. Current health issues in the country
  4. Access to care, health equity


Your report should be at least 5 pages in APA format (Double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman). List all your sources, including URLs. Choose appropriate sources.


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