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Comparing the Theme of Two Poems
Choose which poem(s) OR creation myths you write will about.
Choose one of the topics below (must be appropriate for the texts you choose)
Topics for writing about a poem (or poems):
Perform a line-by-line explication of a brief poem. Imagine that your audience is unfamiliar with the poem and needs your assistance in interpreting it. Refer to the different elements of poetry and provide examples.
Compare and contrast any two (or more) poems or creation myths that treat a theme similarly.
Research and write about how the author’s Native American background is reflected in his/her writing (poetry only).
Consider and write about possible meanings behind symbolism that appear in a poem, or in various creation myths.
Consider and research how gender, socioeconomic class, ethnicity, or conditions of Native American life (reservation life, for example) are reflected in the text(s).
Write a comparison and contrast essay on two or more poems by the same poet. Look for poems that share a thematic concern or topic (poetry only).
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