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Business law scenario

Frank, an accountant, says to Missy, ” I’ll sell you my laptop for 100$”. Missy asks. ” will you give me until tomorrow to make up my mind?” ” sure,” Frank replies. Which of the following is true?

a, Frank cannot revoke his offer, no matter what

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Business law scenario
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b, Frank cannot revoke his offer, but only if Missy pays him to keep the offer open until tomorrow

c, Frank cannot revoke his offer, no matter what, because he is not a merchant

d, Frank cannot revoke his offer, no matter what, because he did not promise Missy anything in writting.


Could you please answer my question with format

+ Fact:Frank, an accountant, says to Missy, ” I’ll sell you my laptop for 100$”. Missy asks. ” will you give me until tomorrow to make up my mind?” ” sure,” Frank replies

+ Issue:Which of the following is true?


+ Reasoning:

can you please answer my question as student’s answer, not publisher anwer



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