Respond to these discussion posts
1. Bridgette Crumbley posted Mar 4, 2019 8:34
1. I am now more aware of the various leadership styles and theories that I did not know existed. I find myself trying to put my managers and team leaders into the different styles. Some are very apparent, and others do not fit into any one category. Do to my observations, it makes me realize even more what type of leader is more effective and where I would like to be. Another good reminder during this course is manage your emotions. Easier said than done for some, but this is a concept that I have been working on for years after reading Joyce Meyers Managing Your Emotions. Managing your emotions can be a useful tool in every aspect of your life.
I posted earlier in the semester that I was person that did not exactly like change. After reading a couple of articles on change I began to realize in my life I have always looked to make a change. I have made some difficult career decisions in the past and an immeasurable amount in my personal life. I have come to realize that I am a risk taker and I embrace change.
2. Denise Sanchez posted Mar 4, 2019 3:10 PM
2. To be completely candid, I had not given much thought about my particular leadership style, at least not to the depth that we covered in this course. I did not realize there were so many theories of leadership. I learned quite a lot about them and how they are applied. I also enjoyed learning about communication and how to do so effectively. From this course, I have learned to be more conscious about how I want to lead. It is great to know that myself and my classmates are being prepared to address issues like diversity in the workplace and integrity in leadership. I will apply the leadership theories and skills I have learned from this course in my future endeavors. I hope many of my other peers will as well and make a difference in how businesses handle their transactions, how organizations treat their employees and how they interact with their communities.
3. Stephanie Scott posted Mar 4, 2019 10:56 AM
3. I will approach leadership roles with more of an open mind after this class. In my experience in the military, leadership roles are typically not in the transformational type and are more of a transactional style. I respond more positively to the transformational theory of using understanding, compassion and caring natures; not a this-for-that type of relationship. I will look at the big picture in a greater sense of what truly matters in a situation and not stress over the little details. I am a doer type of person and have a hard time delegating tasks and trusting that the results will be on par with what I strive to complete. I need to instill more trust in people until proven wrong, instead of assuming that I can do a better job myself. I will also look at the positive sides of scenarios instead of going into situations that I’m unsure of with caution and negativity.
4. Helena Papa posted Mar 4, 2019 8:47 AM
4. This course made me realize that I should have more patience with the people around me and especially with my work team. I am a person that sometimes I will state what I think without even thinking. Taking this course, I learned that I should listen first and then speak. I should respect all the ideas of my team and always be careful on how to communicate. Communication and teamwork is what helps with building stronger relationships with your coworkers and that’s what makes a great future leader as well. This course made me realize how much passion I do have to become the best leader I can ever be. I will definitely approach leadership in a way as a servant leadership idea from now on. I will serve the best I can and I try to be more careful of how I treat my team. I will respect all my team’s ideas and their feelings.