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Pre-Writing Food Waste- Brainstorm

Assignment 1) please complete this Pre-Writing Food Waste- Brainstorm Worksheet.Preview the document

Assignment 2) Watch these videos and answer the following questions. 200 words

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Pre-Writing Food Waste- Brainstorm
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After watching the videos on the previous page, answer the following questions.

1. What is one thing/tip you learned about strong introductions? How will you use this tip in your next essay??

2. What is one thing/tip you learned about transitions? How will you use this tip in your next essay?

3. What is one thing/tip you learned about thesis statements and paragraph structure? How will you use this tip in your next essay?

Assignment 3) please watch the video below and respond to the  200 words

questions https://www.ted.com/talks/chris_abani_muses_on_hum…

1. How does the speaker define “humanity?” What is his main argument? What causes us to be human?

2. What does the speaker use to back up his claims? What kind of examples?

3. Does the speaker try to appeal to your logic, your emotions or both?

4. Do you agree with his definition of humanity?





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