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Liturgical movement

a) SHORT ANWSWER QUESTIONS: these two questions should be answered in 2-3 sentences.

  1. What is the Liturgical Movement? What was its context? Identify and discuss the three principles of the Liturgical Movement
  2. Sacrosanctum Concilium: What is this document? Where it comes from? What is it about? Why is it important for the Catholic Church and its Liturgy?

b) ESSAY QUESTIONS: each one of these 2 questions should be answered in 1-2 pages ,

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Liturgical movement
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  1. What are the norms to be followed for the reform of the liturgy? What should the process of reform of the liturgy be? What does it entail?
  2. According to the lecture of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware (YouTube video) what is prayer? What are the characteristics of prayer? What is the “Jesus Prayer”? Does prayer have a place in the daily life of a Christian and if so, how can that be achieved? How do you (from the point of view of your own faith tradition/philosophy of life) reflect upon/react to Ware’s approach to prayer?


I will attach a file that helps in the second question of the short answer

you also might want to use the book ‘From Age to Age: How Christians Have Celebrated the Eucharist (Revised and Expanded Edition)‘

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