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Unethical healthcare workers

Jamie states that Dr. Worth is going to tell you that Jamie was sexually involved with one of her clients. She has confronted Dr. Worth about this being a breach of the APA Ethics Code. She reports that Dr. Worth laughed at her for saying this and said that he knows that the clinical supervisor will believe him over a new student practitioner.

Jamie is very upset while reporting this to you. She explains that she has not done anything wrong and has followed the Ethics Code. She sees this not only as a personal attack but also as a professional violation by Dr. Worth.

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Unethical healthcare workers
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In your main post, be sure to address the following:

What is happening in this situation?
What conflicts do you see?
What are the Ethical Standards involved?
Establish two ways that the situation could be resolved: one informal resolution and one formal resolution. Be specific about who would do what for each option.
Consider further the implications of each of these options. What do you think the implications and consequences would be for the stakeholders involved for each option?

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