In your post, draw on one of the following readings: 1) Anselm, 2) Aquinas, 3) Pascal, or 4) Rowe.
The general topic is the whether God exists.
I have provided a prompt below, but you may create your own alternative question.
If you create an alternative question, be sure to present your question in your post and explain how it relates to one of the above readings.
If you use the prompt, you do not need to answer all of the questions below. In fact, it’s a good idea to focus on one or maybe two of the questions.
Only write on one philosopher for your discussion post.
Writing Prompt: Arguments Over God’s Existence
Which of the philosophers arguments for God’s existence was the most persuasive? What is the best objection to the argument?
Why does Rowe use a baby fawn example to illustrate the problem of evil?
What is the difference between narrow atheism and broad atheism, as explained by Rowe?
Have you ever changed your views regarding religious matters based on a reasoned argument? If so, did it persuade you to believe or not believe in the existence of a God?
Assignment Requirements
See the Discussion Post Guidelines for general info on the assignment and example posts: Discussion Post Info & Example.docxPreview the document
The most important requirements are:
write at least a 300 word original post,
quote and cite from one of the above course readings (in your original post),
use paragraphs in your original post,
write at least a 200 word response post.