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Community Assessment: Winnetka, Illinois

Community Assessment
\Refer to the Week 2 – Required Learning Activity: Windshield Survey Resources.

Examine your own geographical area and find a physical community (Use Winnetka, Illionois) that matches that of your case study family ( lives in an upscale community).
Review the windshield survey guidelines.

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Community Assessment: Winnetka, Illinois
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Review the Windshield Survey Resources activity.

Observe your case study family’s community by driving around the area. Consider aspects of the community that could affect residents’ health and any Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators that may be applicable to the community.

Complete a windshield survey that addresses the following components:
Housing and zoning
Open space
Social service centers
Stores, businesses, and industries
Street people and animals
Condition of the area
Race, culture, and ethnicity
Health indicators and morbidity
Signs of decay
Crime rate
Employment rate
Environmental factors
Public services (fire, police)

Compile your data and format your assignment as one of the following:
18- to 20-slide presentation
700- to 1,050-word summary
Legal-sized infographic



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