2consulting with the WritePlacebefore submitting your first draftif you are not sure about your writing style and mechanics.Please use Times New Roman font 12, double spaced. There should be a title page according to the Chicago Manualof Style.3.The final draftisthe revised first draft according to the professor’s feedback.Citations: one of the most important elements in academic essay writing is the citation. The evaluation of your work will be partly based on thequality of references and citations. You are expected to make references, wherever necessary, to academic monographs and scholarly journal articles on your topic. Reference to popular websites such as Wikipedia will be regarded as a drawback. Please also avoid referring to introductions and textbooks. However, it is highly recommended that you usethem for background information and suggested readings. In any case of direct or indirect quotation, you need a footnote with page number, otherwise you will be charged with plagiarism which would be penalized. Thecitation style isChicago17thedition. You caneasily use the Microsoft Word or Mac tools to insert citations: look under *references* on the toolbar, select *insert citation* your *style* and *add newsource*. This way your bibliography will be automatically saved. For theessay a minimum of 6sources (including booksand scholarly articles) would be necessary, but you can always go beyond. The last page of your essay would be the bibliography page.You can find instructions for the Chicago Style at https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.htmlEssay Format: As mentioned in the syllabus, the essayshould be a minimum of 8 pages. Itshould be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, with 1” margins(please note that MS Word defaults for left and right margins are usually 1.25” or 1.5”—please make sure that you have reset the default to 1”). The essay is typed double-spaced, with page numbersinsertedin center bottom. Before submitting your essay onIsidore, make sure to put your full name on the file that you attach. Remember to double check you writing for typos, linguistic, and citationerrors before submission.Submission: You are expected to submit your essays on Isidore tothe assignment folder which will be opened prior to due date. Submit only as Word document. For ever one day of late submission, you will lose two pointsunless you have an accommodationletter from UDadministration. Late submission based on PC technical problems will not be accepted. You are to always save your work on Google drive.*Evaluation of the proposal: 10 points300 word paragraph including thesis and methodology: 5 pointsMinimum of 6 scholarly sources: 5 points
3**Evaluation of the first draft will be based on the following criteria:25 pointsCOMPREHENSIONOFTOPICANDSUFFICIENTBACKGROUNDINFORMATION5PROPERARRANGEMENTINTOINTRODUCTIONTHATINCLUDESTHESISANDMETHOD,BODYTEXT,ANDCONCLUSION5PRECISIONINARGUMENTS,CONSISTENCY,AVOIDANCEOFBIASEDCOMMENTS5QUALITYOFSOURCESUSED,NECESSARYFOOTNOTESANDCITATIONS5QUALITYOFWRITINGSTYLE/MECHANICS5***Evaluation of the final draft:15 pointsThe 15 points are grantedupon the application ofall the changes recommended by the professor on the first draft.Manage your time wisely and the research outcome will be great!