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Nonconventional conflict-resolution methods

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  1. ____________________ and ____________________ are two types of prevention models that exist and can be implemented in order to neutralize or minimize threat once it has been identified and accessed.
a. Universal prevention models, selective prevention models
b. Zero tolerance prevention, selective prevention
c. Universal prevention, zero tolerance prevention
d. None of the above


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Nonconventional conflict-resolution methods
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  1. Which of the following is NOT a nonconventional conflict-resolution method?
a. Arrest.
b. Mediation.
c. Arbitration.
d. Problem solving.


  1. Which is not one of the three types of waivers for juveniles?
a. Judicial waivers.
b. Direct file statutes.
c. Statutes of limitations.
d. Exclusionary statutes.


  1. In domestic violence situations, some police departments have moved toward arresting both parties regardless of who the primary aggressor is. This is referred to as:
a. Domestic resolution.
b. Dual arrests.
c. Domestic arrests.
d. None of the above.


  1. Researchers have identified three distinct types of perpetrators of school violence. They include all EXCEPT:
a. Copycat killer.
b. Homicide suicide.
c. Stalkers.
d. Pseudo commando.


  1. Double jeopardy is said to have occurred in which of the situations presented below?
a. Multiple punishments for the same offense.
b. A second prosecution for the same offense after acquittal.
c. A second prosecution for the same offense after conviction.
d. All of the above.


  1. Improved communication skills on the part of law enforcement officers can lead to which of the following results:
a. Decreased need for use of coercive or more intrusive methods.
b. Improved public opinion regarding officers and law enforcement agencies.
c. Decreased risk of harm to officers and society.
d. All of the above.


  1. Nonconventional conflict-resolution methods include:
a. Mediation.
b. Arbitration.
c. Counseling.
d. All of the above.


  1. Dr. Collen, a forensic psychologist for the court, is asked to conduct an evaluation on a juvenile offender to aid in the court with their decision on dispositional placement. Dr. Collen is asked to provide critical information about a juvenile to help inform the decisions of the court regarding post adjudication questions. What is Dr. Collen being asked to conduct?
a. Forensic assessment.
b. Risk assessment.
c. Predisposition evaluation.
d. None of the above.


  1. The SAFE model (Hamme, 2007) identifies four triggers typically characteristic of crisis negotiations. They include:
a. Substantive demands.
b. Attunement.
c. Emotions.
d. All of the above.


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